My Adventure ! My Story !

Myself and Robert thought about this subject few months back which was to launch a new WordPress hosting service at a very reasonable price, as the compute resources required for a personal blog are very low as compared to a proper business website. Many of our friends love adventure and they have innumerable stories to share for hours about their years old adventures. I am sure you must be fond of those night long discussions about Snakes, Ghosts, Adventures, Travelogues or any topic of common interests. We all love such stories when we meet our friends, but these days it has become extremely difficult for friends to meet up often and spend quality time with each other. This thought eventually led to this concept of encouraging all our customers who are our friends, to start with their personal blogs and let their stories be read and talked about.

We launched a new personal blog hosting service towards the end of last year but we could not market it properly, as neither me nor Robert had been out for any Adventure since the day eUKhost was established. We realised this and decided to go out for an Adventure together, which would help us with content for our promotions and at the same time also help us to improve our relationship, which until now was mostly focused on professional front. So here’s how it all happened  🙂

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